Case Study: How Curated Unlocked $1M Annualized Incremental Sales with Spiffy

Aniket Deosthali
May 15, 2024

For nearly a decade, Curated has connected consumers with experts for personalized product recommendations. Their $1B creator marketplace replicates the experience of talking to a trusted friend about a hobby you’re passionate about—creating a sense of human connection that traditional online shopping experiences lack.

After partnering with Spiffy, Curated achieved:

  • $1M annualized incremental sales via co-pilot
  • AI assisted conversions increased by 42x compared to GPT-4
  • 52% increase in conversions compared to GPT-4

Here's how we did it.

The Challenge

Create Personalized Conversations for 1 Million Customers

Curated had a robust dataset of 50 million messages exchanged between more than 8,000 experts and more than a million customers, along with 4+ million product recommendations and outcome signals.

Equipped with this data, Curated used GPT-4 to build an AI-powered “co-pilot” to help their experts handle more customer interactions.

While the GPT-4 based tool showed the potential of AI, the team yearned for a tool that was more controllable, produced responses that were more human, and showed meaningful impact.

The Solution

Hyper-personalized recommendations for 8,000+ experts

We worked with Curated to build an outcome- oriented model (OOM) — a hyper-personalized AI that uses historical data to instantly create highly relevant copy to help consumers make more informed purchase decisions.

By updating the model’s parameters with the first application of reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) in eCommerce, we’re able to continuously improve the model based on conversion signals and expert feedback.

Today, Spiffy serves as the co-pilot for all 8,000+ experts on Curated, enabling them to handle more customers, make better recommendations, and close more sales.

The Result

Happy Customers and Hockey Stick Profit 

Spiffy helped Curated unlock new levels of productivity (and profitability) in just 6 months:

  • $1M annualized incremental sales via co-pilot
  • 52% increase in conversions compared to GPT-4
  • AI engagement rate increased by 42x
“Spiffy gave us a huge competitive edge by allowing us to go beyond prompt engineering and GPT-4,” says Alex Vauthey, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder at Curated. “I would recommend this team to anyone”

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